THIRD EYE is the company born and bred from the souls of those surfing the ocean’s waves and living the coastal lifestyle. Since the mid 1990’s, Third Eye has been bringing the truth and beauty of the planet and her oceans to the light for all to see. Shift now to the present, where a renaissance in and around the ocean is taking place. We are exploring and experimenting above and below the seas like never before in time, and with this cultural rebirth, emerges THIRD EYE WORLD, where the ocean lifestyle is elevated through our experience. Our products are created and tested by those who are committed to a life lived in the ocean, and we strive to cultivate respect and honor for our planet and all her waters.

Known by many names, the ‘HAMSA’ is a Talismanic symbol with origins dating back to the ancient Phoenicians 2500 B.C. These sea faring people believed that the Hamsa (palm facing up) would protect them from evil and misfortune.
Palm down, the Hamsa is believed to provide abundance and universal goodness, power and strength, hope and peace.
Here at THIRD EYE, our truth runs deep within the waters that surrounds us. Our blessings, our faith and our peace comes from the knowing that the Hamsa serves as protector of the World’s Oceans… All of them.